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Cool Sewing with Metal Threads

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

Hi Everyone, Hope you are well and keeping cool....I have some exciting things to share with you all, mylovely new threads

and kits, and anyone who has not mastered Goldwork well, I have a new kit which includes everything you need to get started it's a Gold Work taster kit available for sale on the website

I have also been researching some stitches for a project and came across this vintage article from a 1970 Embroidery Magazine, published in the summer of 1970 by Jennifer Walkinshaw. Its about a stitch called Ceylon stitch, in Elizabethan Embroidery on textiles, using metallic threads.

I thought I would share this with you, it's fascinating how various stitches used with metallic threads were created in the past. I have a range of metallic threads for sale on the website, a good range of colours take a look.

enjoy your stitching...and new projects...




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Part 2- Applique fabric images

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